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- 352 Seiten
- Erschienen 2002
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Part of a new six-volume series of the best in classic horror, selected by Academy Award-winning director of The Shape of Water Guillermo del Toro. Nominated as one of America's best-loved novels by PBS's The Great American ReadFilmmaker...
24,00 €
- Kartoniert
- 120 Seiten
- Erschienen 2020
- Bange C. GmbH
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Königs Erläuterung zu Mary Shelley: Frankenstein - Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausführlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben. In einem Band bieten dir die neuen Königs Erläuterungen alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat,...
8,90 €
- Kartoniert
- 144 Seiten
- Erschienen 2008
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A graphic novel of a classic horror tale that deals with such subjects as alienation, empathy and understanding beyond appearance. von Shelley, Mary
13,00 €
- Kartoniert
- 216 Seiten
- Erschienen 2015
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'Frankenstein' is often hailed as a masterpiece of 19th-century Gothicism. The monster's culpability for various horrific acts, his powerlessness in the face of his complete ostracism from society and Dr Frankenstein's lies, abdication...
23,00 €
- Kartoniert
- 156 Seiten
- Erschienen 2020
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Reproduction of the original: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley von Shelley, Mary
24,90 €
- Gebunden
- 264 Seiten
- Erschienen 1992
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Mary Shelley was born in London on 30 August 1797. Her mother, the celebrated feminist writer Mary Wollstonecraft, died a few days after her birth.Her father, William Godwin, a well-known anarchist and atheist writer, tutored Mary. In...
ab 16,00 €

“Das Gebrauchtbuch ist wie neu, schneller Versand - hier bestelle ich wieder!”
-Selina auf shopauskunft.defrontend/listing/product-box/box-basic.tpl
- Kartoniert
- 144 Seiten
- Erschienen 2009
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Conceived as part of a literary game among friends in 1816, Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" is today regarded as a classic piece of 19th century literature. The story begins with the journey of an adventurer, Robert Walton, who saves the...
17,00 €
- Leinen
- 311 Seiten
- Erschienen 2020
- Penguin Books Ltd (UK)
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Puffin Clothbound Classics - stunningly beautiful hardback editions of the most famous stories in the worldVictor Frankenstein has made a terrible mistake. In his desperate pursuit to create life, he has created a monster. A monster...
16,00 €
- Kartoniert
- 584 Seiten
- Erschienen 2021
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This Norton Critical Edition includes: The 1818 first edition text of the novel, introduced and annotated by J. Paul Hunter.
Three maps and eight illustrations.
A wealth of source and contextual materials, thematically arranged to...
12,50 €
- Kartoniert -
- Erschienen 2011
- Norton
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Almost two centuries after its publication, Frankenstein remains an indisputably classic text and Mary Shelley's finest work. This extensively revised Norton Critical Edition includes new texts and illustrative materials that convey the...
ab 22,50 €

“Faire Preise für gebrauchte Fachbücher und eine schnelle Lieferung. Gerne wieder!”
-Jan auf trustpilot.defrontend/listing/product-box/box-basic.tpl
- Gebunden
- 220 Seiten
- Erschienen 2020
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Schon lange ist der Medizinstudent Viktor Frankenstein von dem Gedanken besessen, den Tod mithilfe der Wissenschaft für immer zu besiegen. An der Universität Ingolstadt lernt er den mysteriösen Professor Waldmann kennen, der schon bald...
29,95 €
- Klappenbroschur
- 221 Seiten
- Erschienen 2022
- Union Square & Co.
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Frankenstein von Shelley, Mary
11,50 €