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Against the Grain
  • Kartoniert
  • 312 Seiten
  • Erschienen 2018
  • Yale University Press
inkl. MwSt. versandkostenfrei Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktag(e)
Against the Grain
Why did humans abandon hunting and gathering for sedentary communities dependent on livestock and cereal grains, and governed by precursors of today's states? Most people believe that plant and animal domestication allowed humans,...
ab 18,50 €
  • Handgeprüft
  • Schnelle Lieferung
  • Günstig
Weapons of the Weak
  • Kartoniert
  • 414 Seiten
  • Erschienen 1987
  • Yale University Press
inkl. MwSt. versandkostenfrei Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktag(e)
Weapons of the Weak
This sensitive picture of the constant and circumspect struggle waged by peasants materially and ideologically against their oppressors show that techniques of evasion and resistance may represent the most significant and effective means...
ab 20,50 €
Two Cheers for Anarchism
  • Kartoniert
  • 200 Seiten
  • Erschienen 2014
  • -
inkl. MwSt. versandkostenfrei Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktag(e)
Two Cheers for Anarchism
In his most accessible and personal book to date, the acclaimed social scientist makes the case for seeing like an anarchist. Inspired by the core anarchist faith in the possibilities of voluntary cooperation without hierarchy, Two...
18,50 €
Domination and the Arts of Resistance
  • Kartoniert
  • 269 Seiten
  • Erschienen 1992
  • Yale University Press
inkl. MwSt. versandkostenfrei Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktag(e)
Domination and the Arts of Resistance
The purpose of this book is to suggest how we might more successfully read, interpret, and understand the often fugitive political conduct of subordinate groups. A comparison of the hidden transcript of the weak with that of the powerful...
ab 21,00 €
Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (Institution for Social and Policy Studies)
  • paperback
  • 464 Seiten
  • Erschienen 1999
  • Yale University Press
inkl. MwSt. versandkostenfrei Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktag(e)
Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to...
"Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed" von James C. Scott ist eine eingehende Analyse staatlicher Versuche, die menschliche Gesellschaft durch groß angelegte Planungsprojekte zu verbessern...
ab 15,36 €

“Das Gebrauchtbuch ist wie neu, schneller Versand - hier bestelle ich wieder!”

-Selina auf shopauskunft.de
Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States
  • hardcover
  • 336 Seiten
  • Erschienen 2017
  • Yale University Press
inkl. MwSt. versandkostenfrei Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktag(e)
Against the Grain: A Deep History of the...
"Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States" von James C. Scott bietet eine kritische Neubetrachtung der Entstehung früher Staaten und Zivilisationen. Scott hinterfragt die gängige Erzählung, dass die Sesshaftigkeit und der...
13,54 €