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- Gebunden
- 182 Seiten
- Erschienen 2002
- Peter Lang Publishing Inc. ...
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With Salammbô, Flaubert turned to the old Orient and Carthage's civil war with its mercenaries to relive his travels in the Levant and indulge in erotic and heroic reveries. Yet his alluring heroine gives way to political and military...
ab 17,51 €
57,95 €
- Gebunden
- 185 Seiten
- Erschienen 2006
- Lang, Peter
inkl. MwSt. versandkostenfrei
Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktag(e)
Influenced by Hegel and Nietzsche, and inspired by stays in Italy and France, as well as travels to Russia, Spain, and North Africa, Rainer Maria Rilke nevertheless sought desperately to be original. He rejected all «idées reçues,»...
67,95 €
- Handgeprüft
- Schnelle Lieferung
- Günstig
- Hardcover
- 137 Seiten
- Erschienen 1998
- Kreuz Verlag
inkl. MwSt. versandkostenfrei
Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktag(e)
Autogenes Training für Fortgeschrittene. Inkl. CD von Dürr, Volker
10,81 €